Unit 5: The News

Part One: Huffpost (Teen Section)

¡ https://www.huffingtonpost.com/section/teen

¡ This is the web site for the newspaper Huffington Post. Go to the above address and answer the following questions:
  • §  What are the main headlines for today? What are these stories about?
  • §  What are the sections for Huffington Post?
  • §  Click on "News." With your partner, select one of the top stories. Read the story together.
  • §  Discuss these questions: Who is it about? Where is it from? What happened? When did this happen? How? Why did this happen? What is your opinion on this event?
  • §  Take a few minutes to explore the web site. You can answer polls, look at charts, and skim through some other stories

  • Part Two: US Newspaper List

  • ¡  This is a site where you can find links to hundreds of newspapers across USA.
    § Select a state from the list.
    § Visit at least three newspapers from that state.
    § What are the main stories? Write the headlines from your three newspapers.

  • ¡  What type of news does each story focus on?(For example, is it a business story, a local story, a science/technology story?)

  • ¡  Part Three : In-Class Assignment

  • ¡  Send your teacher an e-mail. In your e-mail, tell the following:
    § What was the main story you read at USA Today?
    § What state did you choose at the US Newspaper List?
    § What was one interesting thing you learned from today's lesson?

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