Notegraphy: Instagram for Typography

Similar to its previous apps, you can use Notegraphy on Android to browse and apply a variety of different templates, referred to as Styles. They’re all radically different and offer three color variations for you to deliberate over. Similar to Instagram, the app shows them in a horizontal carousel and lets you preview the design before finalizing your eye-catching note.

Some of the styles are better than others, but the app offers at least least eight or nine that are worth checking out. When you’re finished, the note is published to Notegraphy’s self-contained community, and can also be shared to other social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
So if you’ve overheard an inspirational quote or stumbled across a memorable line in a new novel, this is the app to help your share it online with a little extra style. Notegraphy also says its new Android app is 10 times faster than the iOS version – hopefully it can offer those same performance enhancements to iPhone, iPad and iPod touch owners in the near future.

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How to create a color story

This article deals with the exercise of mapping out what aspects you need to tell about your product, company, service, etc.

Instead of trying to map colors back to cultural associations (which are not fixed across all cultures, but change with every micro-culture), it’s better to assign meaning to each color and stick with it.

The author thinks that we could do better than just talking about the feel of colors, and could instead assign functional meaning.

Read more:

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Tell me a four-word story

Forget the elevator pitch. You only get four words. 

This exercise is also very useful to analyze your brand before designing its logo.

If you want to start a business or launch a new project, you need to be able to describe your effort in four words.  Why four?

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Redesign a Logo - Dribble

Detail is often the difference between good & great design; with that in mind, it's always interesting to read articles like this one. Dan Cederholm, co-founder of Dribbble, wrote a great post that gives some background on the original Dribbble logo, and the changes that were recently made in the logo's evolution. 

Here you can see the whole process

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Roundhand Lettering Demo

Master pinstriper Glen Weisgerber demonstrates the roundhand lettering technique. Weisgerber teaches pinstriping and lettering at the Airbrush Getaway Workshops. It's impressive to watch a true craftsman work with their hands; this video does exactly that, and gives us all a bit of insight into how a skilled letterer works.

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