Graphic Design Games

The group Method of Action created three games, with more to come, to help designers and those aspiring to be a designer with basic skills. The three games that they have created so far are for kerning type, shaping type, and color theory. Overall, their mission is to create a program consisting of 50 challenges covering the theory and practice of design. As the individual progresses through the challenges they will become more difficult, improving your skills.

Colour Test: How well do you see color? FACT: 1 out of 255 women and 1 out of 12 men have some form of color vision deficiency. Take the online color challenge, based on the Farnsworth Munsell 100 Hue Test. - See more at:

Kerning Game: This game will challenge you by having you adjust letter spacing  and get a better idea of what makes kerning successful. I challenge you to give it a try and let me know how you do! Play the Kern Type game now!

Colour Game: Finally, in this game you will start to understand color theory and test out how accurate you can be. Again, give this game a try and see how good your eye for color is playing the Color Game.

Type TestIn this game you will have to look at letters that have been warped and you have to reshape them back to their natural form. An easy enough concept but if will certainly put your eye to the test. Give the Shape Type game a try now and let me know how you do!

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